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Pressing her hand to the glass wall, the magnificent view of the mid-day Helios dissolved into a pale blue glow, as if it had turned to dusk in a matter of seconds. She paced around the room, switching on several overhead lamps, and ensured the doors had been closed and locked. This was a private meeting, however public its implications would be. As the connection was verified, the view of a similar room came into focus along the walls, as if the room had seamlessly extended off into the distance.

"Greetings, and warm welcomes." She had rehearsed the smile that accompanied the statement well- it almost looked completely genuine.

The Atlasian representative leaned forward as if to bow. "As to you, friend." Also rehearsed.

An uneasy silence lingered for nearly half a minute. She maintained her dignified composure, crossing her arms and keeping eye contact with the skulker. The representative was biding his time, waiting for her to speak first, as she had a tendency to do.

"You know, my time is not without limit." She began to pace towards the glass. "If we've nothing to discuss, we can certainly adjourn."

"We've plenty to talk of, but that depends entirely on if you are willing to listen." His gaze was stern.

Her face contorted into a strange sort of sly smile. "Of course I am listening. It's why we hold these meetings. The citizens of Helios are very concerned with the well-being of Atlas, and I'll do whatever I can to facilitate--"

He had heard enough. "Spare me your plastic talk. It's been weeks since you've even acknowledged our existence. Our pathfinders are finding more routes sealed off every day. Our efforts to reconcile with the common-folk have gone entirely unmatched on your end. In the last three days alone there have been over 10 incidents of--"

She too had heard plenty, and tried to diffuse the situation. She raised a finger to silence him, and he politely obeyed.

"Temper, ambassador. Firstly, I'm not responsible for construction. If the citizens are interrupting your 'paths' then these are the kinds of things we need to talk about. We can cease any construction projects on the lower floors if you wish. I can send the notion along to legislation and that can be the end of it. Now, one at a time, please!" Spoken so genuinely, she even believed it for a moment.

The Atlasian was done talking issues before the screens had been powered on, but this display of arrogance was enough.

"Why does Helios insist on keeping Atlasians underground?" He didn't show it, but remaining composed was taking every ounce of his strength.

"That is utter nonsense. Your allegations are unfounded and, if I must say, quite unprofessional."

"What of the streetlights?! We've provided you with prototypes and specifications for pale-friendly lamps that provide the same resources. Yet here we are, two years later, and you are still using those antiques that burn our skin."

"We tested your models, and they aren't the same. Their output is not sufficient, though we are always looking for new options."

"The citizens of Helios are addicts, and you're providing their drug to keep them from getting curious."

"We are providing basic needs."

"In excess! Anyone below street level can tell you that- they get along fine with the few busted lights they have. Hell, WE would all be starved to death if our lamps didn't work"

"Helios is a meritocracy. It's not perfect, no, but it's in everyone's best interests that we make sure the best of the best are given everything they need to further progress. If the citizens from the lower levels innovate, then they are justly rewarded. It's an incentive."

"You're avoiding my point. Your system is designed to keep us from climbing. Look at us, we can't even meet in person!"

This is where things always get prickly. "If you're out of things to discuss in a civil manner, I've other business to attend to."

Without another word, she powered off the screen, and the view of a sun-bathed utopia returned. Returning to her desk, she typed up a brief message, picked up her bag, and strolled down the stairs towards the marketplace.


Weekly Report 10-22:

Atlasian sentiment: peaceful
Summary: No new topics of discussion. No contest to recent construction projects. Continue maintenance on lower sector containment.

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